Job Resources & Recipes

Job Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Cost Uses Details
AlchemistCoconut Oil Coconut 100
AlchemistIncense Rose Lily Essence 100 1 +2 Will, -1 Reflex, 20 Temp HP for 1 minute.
AlchemistMedicinal Wine Grapes Tallow 100
AlchemistPure Alcohol Black Mushroom 1000
AlchemistPure Alcohol Apples 1000
AlchemistScented Soap Tallow Rose Lily Essence 100
AlchemistMidwive's Helper Turis Sap Local Anesthesia Paste 100
AlchemistSleeping Tea Hops Rose Lily Essence 100 1 +2 Fort, -1 Reflex, 20 Temp HP for 1 minute.
AlchemistLocal Anesthesia Paste Coconut Oil Felsul Bark 100
AlchemistHealing Kit +3 Rose Lily Essence Cotton 400
AlchemistHealing Kit +6 Felsul Bark Cotton 600
AlchemistHealing Kit +10 Turis Sap Cotton 1000
AlchemistPotion of Elemental Resistance: Electricity Elemental Essence: Air Pure Alcohol 100 1 25% Electric Immunity for 10 minutes.
AlchemistPotion of Elemental Resistance: Acid Elemental Essence: Earth Pure Alcohol 100 1 25% Acid Immunity for 10 minutes.
AlchemistPotion of Elemental Resistance: Fire Elemental Essence: Fire Pure Alcohol 100 1 25% Fire Immunity for 10 minutes.
AlchemistPotion of Elemental Resistance: Ice Elemental Essence: Water Pure Alcohol 100 1 25% Cold Immunity for 10 minutes.
AlchemistCrafted Potion of Barkskin Elemental Essence: Earth Felsul Bark 100 1 Barkskin (12)
AlchemistCrafted Potion of Lesser Restoration Turis Sap Rose Lily Essence 100 1 Lesser Restoration (3)
AlchemistCrafted Potion of Healing Midwive's Helper Medicinal Wine 2000 1 Heal (11)
AlchemistCrafted Negative Energy Brew Negative Energy Crystal Pure Alcohol 1000 1 Heals 100 HP if user is Undead.
AlchemistCrafted Underwater Enhancement Potion of Elemental Resistance: Water Pure Alcohol 1000 1 Add underwater breathing to any equippable item.
AlchemistCharming Powder Dryad Powder Pure Alcohol 3000 3 Dominate Monster (17)
AlchemistGrick Compound Grick Extract Pure Alcohol 3000 15 Camouflage (5), Imp. Invisibility (7), One With the Land (7)
AlchemistHydra Compound Hydra Extract Pure Alcohol 3000 20 Regenerate (13)
AlchemistFelsul Bark Source: Felsul Tree
AlchemistFire Lichen Source: Fire Lichen Patch
AlchemistFireweed Source: Fireweed (Plant)
AlchemistMoonweed Source: Moonweed (Plant)
AlchemistRose Lily Essence Source: Rose Lily Bush
AlchemistSilverbark Sap Source: Silverbark Tree
AlchemistTuris Sap Source: Turis Tree
AlchemistElemental Essence: Air Source: White Elemental Essence
AlchemistElemental Essence: Earth Source: Green Elemental Essence
AlchemistElemental Essence: Fire Source: Orange Elemental Essence
AlchemistElemental Essence: Water Source: Blue Elemental Essence
ArchitectDuskwood Planks Duskwood 100
ArchitectIronwood Planks Ironwood 100
ArchitectPhandar Planks Phandar Wood 100
ArchitectZurkhwood Planks Zurkhwood 100
ArchitectShadowtop Planks Shadowtop Wood 100
ArchitectBricks Granite 100
ArchitectMortar Granite Quicklime 100
ArchitectQuicklime Sand 100
ArchitectStorage Box Kit Shadowtop Wood Silverbark Sap 5000 Unltd
ArchitectAlchemist Station Shadowtop Planks Silver Ingot 5000 Unltd PLC, Crafting Table
ArchitectArtificer Station Shadowtop Planks Crystal 5000 Unltd PLC, Crafting Table
ArchitectRanged Craftsman Station Phandar Planks Mithral Ingot 5000 Unltd PLC, Crafting Table
ArchitectArtist Station Mithral Ingot Crystal 5000 Unltd PLC, Crafting Table
ArchitectSmith Station Adamantine Ingot Fireweed 5000 Unltd PLC, Crafting Table
ArchitectBrewer Station Mithral Ingot Fireweed 5000 Unltd PLC, Crafting Table
ArchitectArchitect Station Ironwood Planks Mithral Ingot 5000 Unltd PLC, Crafting Table
ArchitectChef Station Duskwood Planks Mithral Ingot 5000 Unltd PLC, Crafting Table
ArchitectJeweler Station Platinum Ingot Phandar Planks 5000 Unltd PLC, Crafting Table
ArchitectScholar Station Mithral Ingot Shadowtop Planks 5000 Unltd PLC, Crafting Table
ArchitectTailor Station Mithral Ingot Bolt of Cotton 5000 Unltd PLC, Crafting Table
ArchitectScoundrel Station Shadowtop Planks Steel Ingot 5000 Unltd PLC, Crafting Table
ArchitectTable Phandar Planks Duskwood Planks 2000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectDrow Table Zurkhwood Planks Steel Ingot 2000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectCouch Phandar Planks Bolt of Cotton 2000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectDrow Altar Zurkhwood Planks Steel Ingot 2000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectCombat Dummy Phandar Wood Cotton 2000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectBed Duskwood Planks Bolt of Wool 2000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectLarge Transportable Sign Duskwood Planks Iron Ingot 2000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectSmall Transportable Sign Duskwood Planks Iron Ingot 2000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectChair Phandar Planks 2000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectThrone Duskwood Planks Gold Ingot 2000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectStool Duskwood Planks 2000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectMirror Duskwood Planks Silver Ingot 2000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectBench Ironwood Planks 2000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectDrow Chair Zurkhwood Planks Iron Ingot 2000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectDeer Trophy 1 Hide Small Bone 5000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectBison Trophy High Quality Hide Medium Bone 5000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectFish Trophy Bass 5000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectFish Trophy Salmon 5000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectFish Trophy Trout 5000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectBoar Trophy High Quality Hide Small Bone 5000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectBear Trophy High Quality Hide Large Bone 7000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectCat Trophy Legendary Hide Medium Bone 10000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectDeer Trophy 2 Hide Medium Bone 5000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectDeer Trophy 3 Hide Medium Bone 5000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectDeer Trophy 4 Hide Medium Bone 5000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectDrum High Quality Hide Ironwood 5000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectMassive Drum Legendary Hide Shadowtop Wood 10000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectMassive Leather and Bone Bound Horn Hippogriff Hide Large Bone 10000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectFlag Medium Bone Bolt of Wool 5000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectMassive Tribal Totem Treant Branch Shadowtop Wood 10000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectDream Catcher Small Bone Bolt of Cotton 5000 Unltd PLC
ArchitectBone Cage Small Bone Medium Bone 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtificerBone Wand Shaped Ivory Coconut Oil 2000
ArtificerBlank Scroll Paper Pure Alcohol 2000
ArtificerBound Zombie Corpse Negative Energy Crystal 2000 1 Zombie, Summon
ArtificerBound Warrior Zombie Bound Zombie Any Weapon 2000 1 Zombie, Summon
ArtificerBound Elite Zombie Bound Warrior Zombie Negative Energy Core 2000 1 Zombie, Summon
ArtificerBound Infernal Zombie Bound Elite Zombie Ele. Resistance Potion: Fire 5000 1 Zombie, Summon
ArtificerElementary Golem Elementary Golem Chassis Elemental Essence: Earth 2000 1 Golem, Summon
ArtificerGuard Golem Elementary Golem Any Weapon 2000 1 Golem, Summon
ArtificerHelmed Horror Combat Golem Elemental Essence: Air 5000 1 Golem, Summon
ArtificerCombat Golem Guard Golem Enhancement Core 2000 1 Golem, Summon
ArtificerTrapped Abyssal Entity Planar Bait Ancient Artifact 2000 1 Demon, Summon, Hostile to PC
ArtificerNegative Energy Crystal Crystal 2000 1 Zombie
ArtificerElementary Golem Chassis Any Crafted Plate Armor Ancient Artifact 2000 1 Golem
ArtificerPlanar Bait Corpse Crystal 2000
ArtificerNegative Energy Core Diamond Ruby 2000 1 Zombie
ArtificerEnhancement Core Emerald Sapphire 2000 1 Golem
ArtificerTrap Case Shadowtop Plank Bolt of Wool 5000 Unltd Container
ArtificerMythal Tube Mithral Ingot Crystal 5000 Unltd Container
ArtificerMagical Bandage Bag Shadowtop Plank Mithral Ingot 5000 Unltd Container
ArtificerWand Case Silver Ingot Shadowtop Plank 5000 Unltd Container
ArtificerGem Pouch Leather Mithral Ingot 5000 Unltd Container
ArtificerScroll Holder Leather Silver Ingot 5000 Unltd Container
ArtificerEnergized Frosty Component Energized Frosty Shard Energized Frosty Shard 5000 Raid, Component
ArtificerAncient Arcane Component Ancient Arcane Shard Ancient Arcane Shard 5000 Raid, Component
ArtificerFrostspear's Treasure Energized Frosty Component Diamond 10000 Raid, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
ArtificerWondrous Runic Component Salvaged Wondrous Equipment Empowered Runic Glyph 5000 Epic, Component
ArtificerMystical Aventurine Imbedded Material Component Shimmering Magical Aventurine Mystical Woven Material 5000 Epic, Component
ArtificerPulsating Bloodstone Dread Component Pulsating Bloodstone Dread Mystical Stone 5000 Epic, Component
ArtificerGlamorous Obsidian Fused Bone Component Stout Supernatural Bone Glamorous Magical Obsidian 5000 Epic, Component
ArtificerWondrous Bloodstone Component Salvaged Wondrous Equipment Pulsating Bloodstone 5000 Epic, Component
ArtificerDread Runic Fused Component Empowered Runic Glyph Dread Mystical Stone 5000 Epic, Component
ArtificerShimmering Aventurine Fused Bone Component Shimmering Magical Aventurine Stout Supernatural Bone 5000 Epic, Component
ArtificerGlamorous Obsidian Imbedded Material Component Mystical Woven Material Glamorous Magical Obsidian 5000 Epic, Component
ArtificerHunter's Sense Wondrous Bloodstone Component Silver Ingot 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
ArtificerGreater Tome of Mystra Mystical Aventurine Imbedded Material Component Empty Tome 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
ArtificerOrb of Unlocked Secrets Pulsating Bloodstone Dread Component Gold Ingot 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
ArtificerHerald's Gift Wondrous Runic Component Platinum Ingot 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
ArtificerLesser Ioun Stone: Chrysoprase Tarnished Ioun Stone Elemental Essence Air 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
ArtificerLesser Ioun Stone: Iolite Tarnished Ioun Stone Elemental Essence Fire 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
ArtificerLesser Ioun Stone: Lavender Tarnished Ioun Stone Elemental Essence Earth 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
ArtificerLesser Ioun Stone: Purple Tarnished Ioun Stone Elemental Essence Water 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
ArtificerLesser Ioun Stone: White Tarnished Ioun Stone Elemental Essence Air 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
ArtificerLesser Ioun Stone: Blue Tarnished Ioun Stone Elemental Essence Water 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
ArtificerLesser Ioun Stone: Deep Red Tarnished Ioun Stone Elemental Essence Earth 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
ArtificerLesser Ioun Stone: Dusty Rose Tarnished Ioun Stone Elemental Essence Fire 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
ArtificerLesser Ioun Stone: Pale Blue Tarnished Ioun Stone Elemental Essence Air 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
ArtificerLesser Ioun Stone: Pink Tarnished Ioun Stone Elemental Essence Water 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
ArtificerLesser Ioun Stone: Pink & Green Tarnished Ioun Stone Elemental Essence Fire 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
ArtificerLesser Ioun Stone: Scarlet & Blue Tarnished Ioun Stone Elemental Essence Earth 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
ArtificerWyrmshadow Reliquary Glamorous Magical Obsidian Ivory 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
ArtificerYowler's Eye Empowered Runic Glyph Gold Ingot 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
ArtistTallow Source: Animal Fat
ArtistCandle Tallow 1000 Unltd PLC
ArtistScented Candle Candle Rose Lily Essence 1000 Unltd PLC
ArtistExotic Candle Candle Coconut Oil 1000 Unltd PLC
ArtistSkull Candle Candle Small Bone 1000 Unltd PLC
ArtistRed Candle Candle Artist's Red 1000 Unltd PLC
ArtistRed Scented Candle Scented Candle Artist's Red 1000 Unltd PLC
ArtistExotic Red Candle Exotic Candle Artist's Red 1000 Unltd PLC
ArtistYellow Candle Candle Artist's Yellow 1000 Unltd PLC
ArtistYellow Scented Candle Scented Candle Artist's Yellow 1000 Unltd PLC
ArtistExotic Yellow Candle Exotic Candle Artist's Yellow 1000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPurple Candle Candle Artist's Purple 1000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPurple Scented Candle Scented Candle Artist's Purple 1000 Unltd PLC
ArtistExotic Purple Candle Exotic Candle Artist's Purple 1000 Unltd PLC
ArtistTorch, Bracket Ironwood Iron Ingot 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistBrazier Steel Ingot Phandar Wood 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistHanging Lantern Steel Ingot Crystal 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistLamp Post Phandar Planks Crystal 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistRune Circle Artist's Red 15000 Unltd PLC
ArtistObelisk Granite 15000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPedestal Sword Granite Any Weapon 15000 Unltd PLC
ArtistBlue Light Sculpture Sapphire Enhancement Core 20000 Unltd PLC
ArtistFloor Mosaic Emerald Ruby 20000 Unltd PLC
ArtistStatue, Gargoyle Granite 15000 Unltd PLC
ArtistStatue, Mage Marble Ruby 15000 Unltd PLC
ArtistStatue with Shield, Whole Granite Gold Ingot 15000 Unltd PLC
ArtistStatue with Shield, Defaced Granite Gold Ingot 15000 Unltd PLC
ArtistStatue, Female Marble 15000 Unltd PLC
ArtistStatue, Flaming Granite Elemental Essence: Fire 15000 Unltd PLC
ArtistSarcophagus Granite 20000 Unltd PLC
ArtistMarble Bust Marble Granite 20000 Unltd PLC
ArtistDeviant Art: Pentagram Artist's Red 10000 Unltd PLC
ArtistDeviant Art: Skull Pole Phandar Wood Medium Bone 10000 Unltd PLC
ArtistDeviant Art: Skull Post Duskwood Large Bone 10000 Unltd PLC
ArtistDeviant Art: Hanging Skeleton Phandar Wood Medium Bone 10000 Unltd PLC
ArtistDeviant Art: Floor Skull Artist's Red 10000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPyramid Sculpture Emerald Gold Ingot 20000 Unltd PLC
ArtistJars Sand 10000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPlain Pot Sand 10000 Unltd PLC
ArtistDecorated Pot Plain Pot Artist's Yellow 10000 Unltd PLC
ArtistBlue Pot Sand Artist's Blue 10000 Unltd PLC
ArtistUrn Sand 10000 Unltd PLC
ArtistShield Rack Duskwood Steel Ingot 10000 Unltd PLC
ArtistDecorative Hanging Ironwood Cotton 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistCrystal Ball Crystal Shadowtopwood Planks 10000 Unltd PLC
ArtistGlobe Ironwood Steel Ingot 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistDivining Pool Marble Crystal 10000 Unltd PLC
ArtistTable, Fancy Table Shadowtopwood Planks 10000 Unltd PLC
ArtistWind Chimes Shadowtopwood Planks Raw Silk 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistAnchor Steel Ingot 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistModel Ship: Galley Bolt of Silk Ironwood Planks 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistModel Ship: Sailboat Bolt of Cotton Ironwood Planks 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistModel Ship: Scooner Bolt of Wool Ironwood Planks 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistModel Ship: Galley, Hanging Bolt of Silk Ironwood Planks 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistRug, Red Carpet Artist's Red 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistRug, Orange Carpet Artist's Orange 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistRug,Yellow Carpet Artist's Yellow 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistRug, Green Carpet Artist's Green 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistRug, Blue Carpet Artist's Blue 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistRug, Purple Carpet Artist's Purple 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistRug, Black Carpet Artist's Black 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistRug, White Carpet Artist's White 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistRug, Fancy Base Carpet Bolt of Silk 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistRug, Round Rug, Fancy Base Artist's Red 7000 Unltd PLC
ArtistRug, Large Orange Rug, Fancy Base Artist's Orange 10000 Unltd PLC
ArtistRug, Large Green 1 Rug, Fancy Base Artist's Green 10000 Unltd PLC
ArtistRug, Large Green 2 Rug, Fancy Base Artist's Green 10000 Unltd PLC
ArtistRug, Large Red Rug, Fancy Base Artist's Red 10000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPennant of Bane Phandar Wood Bolt of Silk 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPennant of Cyric Phandar Wood Bolt of Silk 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPennant of Eilstraee Phandar Wood Bolt of Silk 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPennant of Green Stag 1 Phandar Wood Bolt of Silk 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPennant of Green Stag 2 Phandar Wood Bolt of Silk 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPennant of Helm Phandar Wood Bolt of Silk 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPennant of Ilmater Phandar Wood Bolt of Silk 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPennant of Lathander Phandar Wood Bolt of Silk 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPennant of Lolth Phandar Wood Bolt of Silk 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPennant of Mask Phandar Wood Bolt of Silk 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPennant of Raven and Shield Phandar Wood Bolt of Silk 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPennant of Raven and Sword Phandar Wood Bolt of Silk 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPennant of Sune Phandar Wood Bolt of Silk 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPennant of Tempus Phandar Wood Bolt of Silk 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPennant of Torm Phandar Wood Bolt of Silk 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPennant of Waukeen Phandar Wood Bolt of Silk 5000 Unltd PLC
ArtistPainting Duskwood Papyrus 2000 Unltd PLC
ArtistArtist's Black Carbon 500 1 Dye
ArtistArtist's Blue Grapes 500 1 Dye
ArtistArtist's Green Grapes Carrots 500 1 Dye
ArtistArtist's Orange Carrots Cherries 500 1 Dye
ArtistArtist's Purple Grapes Cherries 500 1 Dye
ArtistArtist's Red Cherries 500 1 Dye
ArtistArtist's White Elemental Essence: Air 500 1 Dye
ArtistArtist's Yellow Carrots 500 1 Dye
ArtistHair Dye Kit Any Dye Elemental Essence: Water 1000 Unltd
ArtistTattoo Kit Any Dye Steel Ingot 1000 Unltd
BrewerFireweed Liquor Fireweed Hops 200 1 +2 Universal Saves, +2 CON, -1 INT for 5 minutes.
BrewerWine Grapes 200 1 +1 Universal Saves, +1 CON, -1 INT for 5 minutes.
BrewerCider Apples 200 1 +1 Universal Saves, +1 CON, -1 INT for 5 minutes.
BrewerAle Sugar Hops 200 1 +2 Universal Saves, +2 CON, -1 INT for 5 minutes.
BrewerMead Honey Hops 200 1 +2 Universal Saves, +2 CON, -1 INT for 5 minutes.
BrewerTunnel Ale Tunnel Morels 200 1 +1 Universal Saves, +1 CON, -1 INT for 5 minutes.
BrewerFire Liquor Fire Lichen 200 1 +1 Universal Saves, +1 CON, -1 INT for 5 minutes.
BrewerPuff Rum Zurkstalk Fire Lichen 200 1 +2 Universal Saves, +2 CON, -1 INT for 5 minutes.
BrewerVelvetine Deep Truffle 200 1 +1 Universal Saves, +1 CON, -1 INT for 5 minutes.
BrewerBarrelstalk Beer Barrelstalk Tunnel Morels 200 1 +2 Universal Saves, +2 CON, -1 INT for 5 minutes.
BrewerCherry Juice Cherries 200 1 +1 Universal Saves for 5 minutes.
BrewerCoconut Milk Coconut 200 1 +1 Universal Saves for 5 minutes.
BrewerGrape Juice Grapes 200 1 +1 Universal Saves for 5 minutes.
BrewerApple Juice Apples 200 1 +1 Universal Saves for 5 minutes.
ChefCheese Milk 200
ChefButter Milk 200
ChefFire Sauce Fire Lichen 200
ChefSugar Sugarcane 200
ChefFlour Oats 200
ChefFlour Zurkstalk 200
ChefSugared Fruit Sugar Cherries 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
ChefFried Apples Sugar Apples 200 1 +30 HP, +3 Fortitude for 5 minutes.
ChefSweet Carrots Carrots Honey 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
ChefCake Flour Eggs 200 1 +30 HP, +3 Fortitude for 5 minutes.
ChefCarrot Pie Flour Carrots 200 1 +30 HP, +3 Fortitude for 5 minutes.
ChefCherry Pie Flour Cherries 200 1 +30 HP, +3 Fortitude for 5 minutes.
ChefApple Pie Flour Apples 200 1 +30 HP, +3 Fortitude for 5 minutes.
ChefCoconut Cookies Flour Coconut 200 1 +30 HP, +3 Fortitude for 5 minutes.
ChefSausage Meat 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
ChefRothe and Morels Rothe Meat Tunnel Morels 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
ChefRoasted Rothe Rothe Meat 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
ChefClam Chowder Mussles Milk 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
ChefRoasted Lobster Crustacean Butter 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
ChefBoiled Crab Crustacean 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
ChefHoney Glazed Ham Pork Honey 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
ChefSalmon Patties Salmon Bread 200 1 +30 HP, +3 Fortitude, +1 AB for 5 minutes.
ChefBangers'n Shrooms Sausages Mushrooms 200 1 +30 HP, +3 Fortitude for 5 minutes.
ChefHot Chicken Wings Chicken Meat Fireweed 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
ChefBattered Trout Trout Flour 200 1 +30 HP, +3 Fortitude for 5 minutes.
ChefMeat Balls Meat Bread 200 1 +30 HP, +3 Fortitude, +1 AB for 5 minutes.
ChefCheesey Eggs Eggs Cheese 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
ChefFried Bass Bass Butter 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
ChefBacon Omelette Eggs Pork 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
ChefSmothered Meat Meat Mushrooms 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
ChefMeat Pie Flour Meat 200 1 +30 HP, +3 Fortitude for 5 minutes.
ChefSmoked Salmon Salmon Phandar Wood 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
ChefQuiche Eggs Pork 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
ChefZurkstalk Jerky Zurkstalk 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
ChefBarrelstalk Hotpot Barrelstalk Fire Sauce 200 1 +30 HP, +3 Fortitude for 5 minutes.
ChefSpicy Mustrooms Black Mushrooms Fire Sauce 200 1 +30 HP, +3 Fortitude for 5 minutes.
ChefDeep Truffle Platter Deep Truffle 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
ChefCormyrian Toast Eggs Bread 200 1 +30 HP, +3 Fortitude, +1 AB for 5 minutes.
ChefCarrot Soup Carrots Milk 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
ChefPorridge Oats Honey 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
ChefBread Flour Milk 200 1 +30 HP, +3 Fortitude for 5 minutes.
ChefPotato Soup Potatoes Milk 200 1 +20 HP for 5 minutes.
FarmerCotton Source: Cotton Plant
FarmerPapyrus Source: Papyrus Plant
FarmerTobacco Source: Tobacco Plant
FarmerCarrots Source: Carrot Crop
FarmerPotatoes Source: Potato Crop
FarmerOats Source: Oats Crop
FarmerSugar Cane Source: Sugar Cane, Crop
FarmerMushrooms Source: Mushroom Patch
FarmerDeep Truffle Source: Deep Truffle Patch
FarmerTunnel Morel Source: Tunnel Morel Patch
FarmerBlack Mushroom Source: Black Mushroom Patch
FarmerBarrelstalk Source: Barrelstalk Patch
FarmerFire Lichen Source: Fire Lichen Patch
FarmerZurkstalk Source: Zurkstalk Patch
FarmerHoney Source: Bee Hive
FarmerCherries Source: Cherry Tree
FarmerApples Source: Apple Tree
FarmerGrapes Source: Grape Vine
FarmerHops Source: Hops Crop
FarmerCoconut Source: Coconut Tree
FarmerPhandar Wood Source: Phandar Tree
FarmerDuskwood Source: Duskwood Tree
FarmerShadowtop Wood Source: Shadowtop Tree
FarmerIronwood Source: Ironwood Tree
FarmerZurkhwood Source: Zurkhwood Mushroom
HunterMussels Source: Waterhole
HunterCrustacean Source: Waterhole
HunterBass Source: Fishing Spot
HunterTrout Source: Fishing Spot
HunterSalmon Source: Fishing Spot
HunterGame Meat Meat, Source: Pelt Trap, Fur Trap
HunterHide Source: Pelt Trap
HunterHigh Quality Hide Source: Big Game Hunter
HunterLegendary Hide Source: Big Game Hunter
HunterFur Source: Fur Trap
HunterHigh Quality Fur Source: Big Game Hunter
HunterLegendary Fur Source: Big Game Hunter
HunterSmall Bone Source: Big Game Hunter
HunterMedium Bone Source: Big Game Hunter
HunterLarge Bone Source: Big Game Hunter
HunterVenom Gland Source: Big Game Hunter
HunterHigh Quality Venom Gland Source: Big Game Hunter
HunterLegendary Venom Gland Source: Big Game Hunter
HunterColossal Snake Bone Source: Big Game Hunter
HunterWhite Dragon Hide Source: Big Game Hunter
HunterWyvern Hide Source: Big Game Hunter
HunterHippogriff Hide Source: Big Game Hunter
HunterGryphon Hide Source: Big Game Hunter
HunterTreant Branch Source: Big Game Hunter
HunterWyvern Venom Gland Source: Big Game Hunter
HunterColossal Spider Eggsack Source: Big Game Hunter
HunterHydra Extract Source: Big Game Hunter
HunterGrick Extract Source: Big Game Hunter
HunterDryad Powder Source: Big Game Hunter
JewelerIvory Amulet Ivory 1000
JewelerSilver Amulet Silver Ingot 1000
JewelerGold Amulet Gold Ingot 1000
JewelerPlatinum Amulet Platinum Ingot 1000
JewelerIvory Ring Ivory 1000
JewelerSilver Ring Silver Ingot 1000
JewelerGold Ring Gold Ingot 1000
JewelerPlatinum Ring Platinum Ingot 1000
JewelerDiamond Raw Diamond 1000
JewelerEmerald Raw Emerald 1000
JewelerCrystal Raw Crystal 1000
JewelerRuby Raw Ruby 1000
JewelerSapphire Raw Sapphire 1000
JewelerShaped Ivory Ivory 2000
JewelerFrostchoker Energized Frosty Shard Platinum Amulet 10000 Raid, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerUndeath's Eternal Servant Ancient Arcane Shard Platinum Ring 10000 Raid, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerRing of Elemental Acid Immunity Dread Mystical Stone Ivory Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerRing of Elemental Cold Immunity Empowered Runic Glyph Silver Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerRing of Elemental Fire Immunity Pulsating Bloodstone Gold Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerWarlock's Empowerment Stout Supernatural Bone Ivory Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerWarlock's Focus Glamourous Magical Obsidian Silver Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerRing of Elemental Lightning Immunity Glamourous Magical Obsidian Platinum Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerRing of Protection and Prevention Salvaged Wondrous Equipment Silver Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerA Bond Unbroken Stout Supernatural Bone Platinum Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerCrusader's Band Shimmering Magical Aventurine Gold Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerDuskfetter Glamourous Magical Obsidian Silver Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerHeartwood Ring Stout Supernatural Bone Platinum Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerNabessan Nail Empowered Runic Glyph Ivory Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerTroll Queen's Ring Pulsating Bloodstone Gold Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerLesser Ring of Evasion Dread Mystical Stone Ivory Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerScarab of Protection +6 Salvaged Wondrous Equipment Ivory Amulet 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerScarab of Living Stout Supernatural Bone Gold Amulet 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerElemental Defense Amulet Empowered Runic Glyph Platinum Amulet 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerA Musician's Mind Salvaged Wondrous Equipment Ivory Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerShadow's Glance Glamourous Magical Obsidian Silver Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerKiller's Balance Pulsating Bloodstone Gold Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerRing of Regeneration Shimmering Aventurine Fused Bone Component Ivory Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerRing of Power Dread Runic Fused Component Platinum Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerRing of Clear Thought +5 Pulsating Bloodstone Dread Component Gold Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerPeriapt of Wisdom +6 Mystical Aventurine Imbedded Material Component Platinum Amulet 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerNature's Devotion Mystical Aventurine Imbedded Material Component Gold Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerBand of Illumination Wondrous Runic Component Platinum Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerMysterious Band Pulsating Bloodstone Dread Component Gold Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
JewelerDivine Touch Wondrous Bloodstone Component Platinum Ring 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
MerchantEmpty Miniature Storage Chest Storage Box Kit Job Journal 10000 Unltd Portable job system storage, single resource.
MinerAdamantine Ore Source: Adamantine Deposit
MinerMithral Ore Source: Mithral Vein
MinerIron Ore Source: Iron Deposit
MinerPlatinum Ore Source: Platinum Vein
MinerGold Ore Source: Gold Vein
MinerSilver Ore Source: Silver Vein
MinerRaw Crystal Source: Crystal Vein
MinerRaw Diamond Source: Diamond Vein
MinerRaw Emerald Source: Emerald Vein
MinerRaw Ruby Source: Ruby Vein
MinerRaw Sapphire Source: Sapphire Vein
MinerMarble Source: Marble Deposit
MinerGranite Source: Granite Deposit
MinerSand Source: Sand Deposit
PhysicianCorpse Source: Grave
RancherCamel Milk Milk, Source: Camel
RancherChicken Egg Egg, Source: Chicken
RancherChicken Meat Meat, Source: Rooster
RancherMilk Milk, Source: Dairy Cow
RancherRothe Milk Milk, Source: Female Deep Rothe
RancherRothe Meat Meat, Source: Male Deep Rothe
RancherRothe Wool Wool, Source: Long Haired Deep Rothe
RancherPork Meat, Source: Pig
RancherSheep Milk Milk, Source: Female Sheep
RancherMutton Meat, Source: Male Sheep
RancherWool Wool, Source: Long Haired Sheep
RancherRaw Silk Source: Silk Spider
RancherBeef Meat, Source: Steer
RancherPeahen Egg Egg, Source: Peahen
RancherPeacock Meat Meat, Source: Peacock
R. CrafterIron Bolt Iron Ingot Phandar Plank 100 Req Lvl 3; 1d4 Slashing
R. CrafterSilver Bolt Silver Ingot Phandar Plank 100 Req Lvl 15; 1d8 Slashing
R. CrafterSteel Bolt Steel Ingot Phandar Plank 100 Req Lvl 10; 1d6 Slashing
R. CrafterAdamantine Bolt Adamantine Ingot Phandar Plank 100 Req Lvl 20; 1d10 Slashing
R. CrafterIron Arrow Iron Ingot Phandar Plank 100 Req Lvl 3; 1d4 Slashing
R. CrafterSilver Arrow Silver Ingot Phandar Plank 100 Req Lvl 15; 1d8 Slashing
R. CrafterSteel Arrow Steel Ingot Phandar Plank 100 Req Lvl 10; 1d6 Slashing
R. CrafterAdamantine Arrow Adamantine Ingot Phandar Plank 100 Req Lvl 20; 1d10 Slashing
R. CrafterIron Bullet Iron Ingot Phandar Plank 100 Req Lvl 3; 1d4 Slashing
R. CrafterSilver Bullet Silver Ingot Phandar Plank 100 Req Lvl 15; 1d8 Slashing
R. CrafterSteel Bullet Steel Ingot Phandar Plank 100 Req Lvl 10; 1d6 Slashing
R. CrafterAdamantine Bullet Adamantine Ingot Phandar Plank 100 Req Lvl 20; 1d10 Slashing
R. CrafterWool Sling Bolt of Wool 2000 Req Lvl 5; +2 AB, +2 Mighty, 1d4 Mass Crit
R. CrafterSilk Sling Bolt of Silk 2000 Req Lvl 10; +3 AB, +2 Mighty, 1d6 Mass Crit
R. CrafterCotton Sling Bolt of Cotton 2000 Req Lvl 3; +1 AB, +1 Mighty, 1d4 Mass Crit
R. CrafterPhandar Longbow Phandar Planks 200 Req Lvl 3; +1 AB, +1 Mighty, 1d4 Mass Crit
R. CrafterDuskwood Longbow Duskwood Planks 4400 Req Lvl 15; +3 AB, +4 Mighty, 2d6 Mass Crit
R. CrafterShadowtop Longbow Shadowtop Planks 8500 Req Lvl 20; +4 AB, +5 Mighty, 2d6 Mass Crit
R. CrafterIronwood Longbow Ironwood Planks 1000 Req Lvl 10; +2 AB, +3 Mighty, 1d6 Mass Crit
R. CrafterZurkhwood Longbow Zurkhwood Planks 2000 Req Lvl 3; +1AB, +1 Mighty, 1d4 Mass Crit
R. CrafterPhandar Shortbow Phandar Planks 200 Req Lvl 3; +1 AB, +1 Mighty, 1d4 Mass Crit
R. CrafterDuskwood Shortbow Duskwood Planks 4400 Req Lvl 15; +3 AB, +4 Mighty, 2d6 Mass Crit
R. CrafterShadowtop Shortbow Shadowtop Planks 8500 Req Lvl 20; +4 AB, +5 Mighty, 2d6 Mass Crit
R. CrafterIronwood Shortbow Ironwood Planks 1000 Req Lvl 10; +2 AB, +3 Mighty, 1d6 Mass Crit
R. CrafterZurkhwood Shortbow Zurkhwood Planks 2000 Req Lvl 3; +1AB, +1 Mighty, 1d4 Mass Crit
R. CrafterPhandar Heavy Crossbow Phandar Planks 200 Req Lvl 3; +1 AB, +1 Mighty, 1d4 Mass Crit
R. CrafterDuskwood Heavy Crossbow Duskwood Planks 4400 Req Lvl 15; +3 AB, +4 Mighty, 2d6 Mass Crit
R. CrafterShadowtop Heavy Crossbow Shadowtop Planks 8500 Req Lvl 20; +4 AB, +5 Mighty, 2d6 Mass Crit
R. CrafterIronwood Heavy Crossbow Ironwood Planks 1000 Req Lvl 10; +2 AB, +3 Mighty, 1d6 Mass Crit
R. CrafterZurkhwood Heavy Crossbow Zurkhwood Planks 2000 Req Lvl 3; +1AB, +1 Mighty, 1d4 Mass Crit
R. CrafterPhandar Light Crossbow Phandar Planks 200 Req Lvl 3; +1 AB, +1 Mighty, 1d4 Mass Crit
R. CrafterDuskwood Light Crossbow Duskwood Planks 4400 Req Lvl 15; +3 AB, +4 Mighty, 2d6 Mass Crit
R. CrafterShadowtop Light Crossbow Shadowtop Planks 8500 Req Lvl 20; +4 AB, +5 Mighty, 2d6 Mass Crit
R. CrafterIronwood Light Crossbow Ironwood Planks 1000 Req Lvl 10; +2 AB, +3 Mighty, 1d6 Mass Crit
R. CrafterZurkhwood Light Crossbow Zurkhwood Planks 2000 Req Lvl 3; +1AB, +1 Mighty, 1d4 Mass Crit
R. CrafterIron Throwing Axe Iron Ingot 100
R. CrafterSteel Throwing Axe Steel Ingot 100
R. CrafterIronwood Throwing Axe Ironwood Planks 100
R. CrafterSilver Throwing Axe Silver Ingot 100
R. CrafterAdamantine Throwing Axe Adamantine Ingot 100
R. CrafterMithral Throwing Axe Mithral Ingot 100
R. CrafterIron Dart Iron Ingot 100
R. CrafterSteel Dart Steel Ingot 100
R. CrafterIronwood Dart Ironwood Planks 100
R. CrafterSilver Dart Silver Ingot 100
R. CrafterAdamantine Dart Adamantine Ingot 100
R. CrafterMithral Dart Mithral Ingot 100
R. CrafterIron Shuriken Iron Ingot 100
R. CrafterSteel Shuriken Steel Ingot 100
R. CrafterIronwood Shuriken Ironwood Planks 100
R. CrafterSilver Shuriken Silver Ingot 100
R. CrafterAdamantine Shuriken Adamantine Ingot 100
R. CrafterMithral Shuriken Mithral Ingot 100
R. CrafterBow of the Tempest Pulsating Bloodstone Dread Component Duskwood Longbow 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
R. CrafterEarblasters Wondrous Runic Component Mithral Dart 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
R. CrafterFrozen Cutters Glamorous Obsidian Fused Bone Component Mithral Shuriken 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
R. CrafterThunderstrikers Glamourous Obsidian Imbedded Material Component Adamantine Throwing Axe 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
R. CrafterEssence Crossbow Glamorous Obsidian Fused Bone Component Zurkhwood Heavy Crossbow 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
R. CrafterHurricane Dread Runic Fused Component Duskwood Light Crossbow 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
R. CrafterEbon Gale Wondrous Bloodstone Component Shadowtop Shortbow 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
R. CrafterDalestriker Wondrous Runic Component Silk Sling 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
R. CrafterIsaac's Lesser Stick Launcher Magical Hemp & Wood 50000 Epic
R. CrafterIsaac's Greater Stick Launcher Magical Hemp & Wood 50000 Epic
R. CrafterSeeking Heavy Crossbow Magical Hemp & Wood 50000 Epic
R. CrafterSeeking Light Crossbow Magical Hemp & Wood 50000 Epic
R. CrafterSeeking Shortbow Magical Hemp & Wood 50000 Epic
R. CrafterSeeking Longbow Magical Hemp & Wood 50000 Epic
ScholarAncient Artifact Source: Job Log, Area of Interest
ScholarIvory Source: Job Log, Area of Interest
ScholarCorpse Source: Job Log, Area of Interest
ScholarEmpty Book Paper Bolt of Cotton 2000
ScholarEmpty Tome Paper Leather 2000
ScholarPaper Papyrus 1000
ScholarPaper Barrelstalk 1000
ScholarPaper Phandar Wood 1000
ScholarPaper Zurkhwood 1000
ScoundrelDrug: Weed Concentrate Moonweed Fireweed 100 1 Slow Effect, 5/+5 Damage Reduction
ScoundrelDrug: Zoom Fire Lichen Silverbark Sap 100 1 Haste Effect, -2 Will Save
ScoundrelDrug: Shrooms Mushrooms Black Mushrooms 100 1 Confusion Effect, +5 Bludgeoning Damage, +3 AB
ScoundrelPoison: Poison Mixture Mushrooms 100 1 Adds OnHit CON Drain, DC 26 to melee weapon for 1 min.
ScoundrelRope: Goblinoid Bindings Hide Sleeping Tea 1000 1 Use on a sleeping goblin to capture it.
ScoundrelVenom Gland Essence Venom Gland 1000 1 Adds 1d4 Acid to melee weapon for 18 mins.
ScoundrelHigh Quality Venom Gland Essence High Quality Venom Gland 1300 1 Adds 1d6 Acid to melee weapon for 20 mins.
ScoundrelLegendary Venom Gland Essence Legendary Venom Gland 1600 1 Adds 1d8 Acid to melee weapon for 30 mins.
ScoundrelWyvern Venom Gland Essence Wyvern Venom Gland 2000 1 Adds 1d10 Acid to melee weapon for 40 mins.
ScoundrelMagically Supressed Spider Eggs Colossal Spider Eggsack Sleeping Tea 2000 1 PLC; Spawns 5 spiders when anyone else gets close to it.
ScoundrelExpensive Bauble Source: Door
ScoundrelSilver Cutlery Source: Door
ScoundrelMeat Products Random Meat, Source: Raided Meats
ScoundrelCrop Products Random Farmer Crops, Source: Raided Surface Crops
ScoundrelRancher Products Random Rancher Items, Source: Raided Animal Products
ScoundrelWood Products Random Wood: Source: Raided wood
SmithMithral Ingot Mithral Ore 5000
SmithGold Ingot Gold Ore 1000
SmithCarbon Any Wood 1000
SmithAdamantine Ingot Adamantine Ore 7000
SmithPlatinum Ingot Platinum Ore 1000
SmithIron Ingot Iron Ore 1000
SmithSteel Ingot Iron Ore Carbon 1000
SmithSilver Ingot Silver Ore 3000
SmithGold Ingot Expensive Bauble 1000
SmithSilver Ingot Silver Cutlery 3000
SmithMithral Melee Weapon Mithral Ingot 3000 Req Lvl 15; +3 Enh, 1d6 Mass Crit, 60% Weight
SmithMithral Armor Mithral Ingot 15000 Req Lvl 15; +3 AC, +3/5 Damage Reduction, 60% Weight
SmithMithral Shield Mithral Ingot 15000 Req Lvl 15; +3 AC, +3/5 Damage Reduction, 60% Weight
SmithMithral Helmet Mithral Ingot 15000 Req Lvl 15; +3 AC, +3/5 Damage Reduction, 60% Weight
SmithMithral Greaves Mithral Ingot 15000 Req Lvl 15; +3 AC, +3/5 Damage Reduction, 60% Weight
SmithMithral Bracers Mithral Ingot 15000 Req Lvl 15; +3 AC, +3/5 Damage Reduction, 60% Weight
SmithAdamantine Melee Weapon Adamantine Ingot 5400 Req Lvl 20; +4 Enh, 1d8 Mass Crit
SmithAdamantine Armor Adamantine Ingot 15000 Req Lvl 20; +4 AC, +4/5 Damage Reduction
SmithAdamantine Shield Adamantine Ingot 15000 Req Lvl 20; +4 AC, +4/5 Damage Reduction
SmithAdamantine Helmet Adamantine Ingot 15000 Req Lvl 20; +4 AC, +4/5 Damage Reduction
SmithAdamantine Greaves Adamantine Ingot 15000 Req Lvl 20; +4 AC, +4/5 Damage Reduction
SmithAdamantine Bracers Adamantine Ingot 15000 Req Lvl 20; +4 AC, +4/5 Damage Reduction
SmithSilver Melee Weapon Silver Ingot 2000 Req Lvl 10; +2 Enh, 1d6 Mass Crit, 1d6 Magic vs. Shapechangers
SmithSilver Armor Silver Ingot 10000 Req Lvl 10; +2AC, +2/5 Damage Reduction
SmithSilver Shield Silver Ingot 10000 Req Lvl 10; +2AC, +2/5 Damage Reduction
SmithSilver Helmet Silver Ingot 10000 Req Lvl 10; +2AC, +2/5 Damage Reduction
SmithSilver Greaves Silver Ingot 10000 Req Lvl 10; +2AC, +2/5 Damage Reduction
SmithSilver Bracers Silver Ingot 10000 Req Lvl 10; +2AC, +2/5 Damage Reduction
SmithIronwood Melee Weapon Ironwood Planks 1000 Req Lvl 3; +1 AB, 1d4 Mass Crit
SmithIronwood Armor Ironwood Planks 1000 Req Lvl 3; +1 AC
SmithIronwood Shield Ironwood Planks 1000 Req Lvl 3; +1 AC
SmithIronwood Helmet Ironwood Planks 1000 Req Lvl 3; +1 AC
SmithIronwood Greaves Ironwood Planks 1000 Req Lvl 3; +1 AC
SmithIronwood Bracers Ironwood Planks 1000 Req Lvl 3; +1 AC
SmithSteel Melee Weapon Steel Ingot 1000 Req Lvl 5; +2 Enh, 1d6 Mass Crit
SmithSteel Armor Steel Ingot 1000 Req Lvl 5; +2 AC
SmithSteel Shield Steel Ingot 1000 Req Lvl 5; +2 AC
SmithSteel Helmet Steel Ingot 1000 Req Lvl 5; +2 AC
SmithSteel Greaves Steel Ingot 1000 Req Lvl 5; +2 AC
SmithSteel Bracers Steel Ingot 1000 Req Lvl 5; +2 AC
SmithIron Melee Weapon Iron Ingot 1000 Req Lvl 3; +1 AB, 1d4 Mass Crit
SmithIron Armor Iron Ingot 1000 Req Lvl 3; +1 AC
SmithIron Shield Iron Ingot 1000 Req Lvl 3; +1 AC
SmithIron Helmet Iron Ingot 1000 Req Lvl 3; +1 AC
SmithIron Greaves Iron Ingot 1000 Req Lvl 3; +1 AC
SmithIron Bracers Iron Ingot 1000 Req Lvl 3; +1 AC
SmithTraining Melee Weapon Phandar Planks 1000 Req Lvl 3; No Damage
SmithGreaves of the Stalwart Defender Pulsating Bloodstone Adamantine Greaves 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
SmithPhalanx Greaves Salvaged Wondrous Equipment Steel Greaves 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
SmithAgility of the Myart Dread Mystical Stone Mithral Helmet 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
SmithBrilliance of the Myart Pulsating Bloodstone Steel Helmet 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
SmithInsight of the Myart Stout Supernatural Bone Ironwood Helmet 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
SmithLeadership of the Myart Dread Mystical Stone Mithral Helmet 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
SmithMight of the Myart Shimmering Magical Aventurine Adamantine Helmet 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
SmithVitality of the Myart Dread Mystical Stone Adamantine Helmet 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items
SmithBracers of the Gemstone Golem Stout Supernatural Bone Mithral Bracers 10000 Epic, Unfinished, Craft Wondrous Items