
On the field of battle, amidst the clash of steel and the cries of the fallen, the soldier stands as a bastion of strength and resolve. Here, amidst the chaos and carnage of war, they stand resolute. With sword in hand and armor gleaming, they march boldly into the fray, their hearts aflame with the fires of righteousness and their spirits unbroken by the horrors that surround them. From the blood-soaked fields of ancient battlefields to the charred ruins of besieged fortresses, their valor is a testament to the enduring power of courage and the unyielding will of those who fight for a purpose.
Soldiers on Amia can place down combat dummies to teach others to fight or they can give a speech to inspire their companions.
Motivation: Soldiers can use their Job Journal and motivate their party members by choosing the “Motivate/Drill Party Members” option. Primary Soldiers grant 2 temporary HP per level and +2 Fortitude Save to each party member for 10 minutes. Secondary Soldiers grant 1 temporary HP per level and +1 Fortitude Save to each party member for 10 minutes.
Combat Dummies: Soldiers can use their Job Journal to place down combat dummies for others to attack for XP. If the character who attacks a combat dummy is a lower level than the Soldier who placed the combat dummy, then the attacker gains 1 XP for each successful hit on the combat dummy, or 2 XP for each successful hit of the Soldier who placed the combat dummy is present to “train” them. Primary Soldiers can place up to 4 combat dummies. Secondary Soldiers can place 1 combat dummy.
Invasions: Players can use the Rest Menu to do patrols in areas where Invasions are set to happen – the feedback you receive in the combat log will tell you if your current area needs to be patrolled to prevent invasions. Each patrol will grant 25 xp (or 1 xp if you’re max level) and a reward in the form of job system resources. Primary Soldiers who patrol an area will lower the Invasion chance by 12% and gain 3 resources, Secondary soldiers will lower it by 8% and gain 2 resources, and anyone else will lower it by 4% and gain 1 resource. Resources have a 70% chance of being a Fang or Claw resource, and a 30% chance of being one of the other resources listed below. There is also a 1% chance that you will find a lost baby animal (in the form of a bottled companion).
Soldiers can gather the following resources by doing patrols through the Rest Menu in specific areas where Invasions may happen (see above for details). See the full resource and recipe matrix here.
Resource — Node
70% Chance
Fang — Invasion Patrol
Claw — Invasion Patrol
Small Bone — Invasion Patrol
Medium Bone — Invasion Patrol
Large Bone — Invasion Patrol
30% Chance
Backpack — Invasion Patrol
Bread — Invasion Patrol
Diamond — Invasion Patrol
Drug: Zoom — Invasion Patrol
Emerald — Invasion Patrol
Fire Liquor — Invasion Patrol
Healer’s Kit +10 — Invasion Patrol
Magically Suppressed Spider Eggs — Invasion Patrol
Meat Pie — Invasion Patrol
Potion of Lesser Restoration — Invasion Patrol
Quiver — Invasion Patrol
Roasted Rothe — Invasion Patrol
Ruby — Invasion Patrol
Sausage — Invasion Patrol
Scabbard — Invasion Patrol
Tunnel Ale — Invasion Patrol
Venom Gland Essence — Invasion Patrol
Soldiers do not craft any items.